1.) I moved.
I didn't move to another town, but in June I moved into a bigger apartment. Yes, I also allowed the wife and dog to come along with me. This place also has a nice deck which allowed me to sort cards in the summer heat.
2.) There is an additional person living with us. My wife and I did not have a baby, however there is a baby living with us. She's been living with us for about a year and a half (which is since birth) and will be living with us for the foreseeable future. Needless to say my wife and I have been spending all our free time taking care of her. I used to be able to stay up all hours of the night but now 8:30 rolls around and I am out. So blogging (and reading blogs) has unfortunately taken a back seat.
So if during the past year you've contacted me and I didn't respond or you sent me something and I didn't acknowledge it, please accept my apologies. I promise I'm going to try to do better. I have a bunch of things to blog about (including a package I received today from Kerry from "Cards on Cards"...which surprisingly had my new address on the label).
I'll be doing my best to put up some more posts in the future...I'll just have to make sure I my wife and I get the little one in bed before 8:30.